2024-25 WVSSAC Robotics State Championship
Congratulations to our award winners!
WVSSAC Robotics State Champion: Wheeling Park High School
Second Place: Capital High School
Third Place: St Joseph Catholic High School
Robot Skills Champion: Wheeling Park High School
Design Award: Riverside High School
Innovate Award: Wheeling Central Catholic High School
Build Award: St. Joseph Central Catholic High School
Programming Award: Wheeling Park High School

Join us for the WVSSAC Robotics State Championship, held Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at Herbert Hoover High School!
Any WVSSAC-affiliated high school may participate. There is no registration fee, and teams do not need to be registered for the 2024-25 V5RC season to participate. Only one team from each school may attend. If your school has been fielding multiple V5RC teams during the RECF season, you can combine all your school's students and robots into a single WVSSAC Robotics team.
Registration Deadline
Registration for the event will close at 11:59 PM on Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Volunteers Needed!
We are always in need of volunteers! All volunteers will be provided with breakfast & lunch and a T-shirt, and roles are available for all ages and levels of previous experience. Sign up using the link below:
The event schedule will be roughly as follows. This schedule is tentative and any changes to the schedule will be communicated to registered teams via email.
8:00 AM: Doors Open, inspection begins
9:00 AM: Drivers meeting
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Qualification matches
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch break
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Qualification matches
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM: Elimination matches
4:15 PM: Finals & Third Place matches
4:30 PM: Awards
Venue & Parking
The event will be held at Herbert Hoover High School. The address for this venue is:
775 Husky Wy
Elkview, WV 25071
Parking is available in front of the school and teams can use the main entrance. Hot concessions will be available.
Format & Event Notes
WVSSAC Robotics teams will play a modified version of the V5RC High Stakes game with some modifications. Detailed rules are available on this page.
Like the 2023-24 season, all matches will be played "1 vs. 1", with each team using up to two robots in each match. Although all teams are encouraged to bring at least two robots to the event, teams with a single robot can also participate. Please consult the rules for full details.
Head-to-head fields will use the metal field perimeter (278-1501) on 12" risers. Skills challenge and practice fields will use the portable field perimeter (276-8242) on the floor.
The Robot Skills Challenge and judged awards will be offered alongside head-to-head matches. The following judged awards will be offered:
Design Award
Innovate Award
Build Award
Programming Award